Monday, June 9, 2008

in my test it said i was a perfectionist that one of the jobs i mite have is as a teacher that made me depressed the only way i would be a teacher was if they gave me a job as a collage teacher.

Friday, June 6, 2008

my favorite song is "I know" written by Jay-Z I like it because the beat is slow and the lirics are nice . when i go out with my friend i like to wear nice clothes airforce ones,nice jeans , and a roca wear shirt . the first thing i think about in the morning is i want to go back to sleep , the first thing i think at night is i don't want to go to sleep.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Hannah Montana Movie

The Hannah Montana movie is basically a 3-D show made into a movie. A fifteen year old girl, named Miley Cyrus, sings and dances. Lots of little girls like her music and some little boys too. But I don't like her because I don't like Disney musicals. The movie is already in theaters.

Spider Wick Chronicles

The movie, The Spider Wick Chronicles, is about a boy who can see a magical world and has to fight an evil monster. The monsters are from an invisible world that only the boy can see. It sounds like a good movie for little kids. It is already out in theaters. I don't plan to go to see it.

The Game Plan

The texts I read where about three movies. The first one was named The Game Plan. It's about a rich football player who finds out he has a long lost daughter. It stars actors, The Rock and Madison Pettis. I think it will be an okay movie for little kids.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Poem

I may not know what words to use to tell you how I feel but I promise to show you everyday more and more as the years go by.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Today Ms.Averbach was talking about a contest she made called THE BEST BLOG CONTEST it's between us & the class nextdoor.The reward for first place is $20 dollars, second place is $15 dollar, and third place you get $10 dollars towards your senior dues. First, second, and third place will get an A for the class too.To get first place you need stucture,Editing,Focus,Elaboration,Vocabulary, and voice.